Presentations from World Jersey Conference 2024

Speakers at the World Jersey Conference

Monday, June 17 ”Data driven Cooperative” 

Christian Lund, Chairman Sector for Cattle, Danish Agriculture & Food Council. [email protected] & Ida Storm, CEO, Sector for Cattle, Danish Agriculture & Food Council. [email protected] 


“The Coop mindset. Viking Denmark services and Cooperation with Jersey farmers & Danish Jersey” 

Anders Levring, Chairman Viking Denmark & VikingGenetics. [email protected], Bent Olesen, Chairman Danish Jerseys and VikingJerseys. [email protected] & Mads Fjordside, Department Manager, VikingDanmark: [email protected]  


“Data collection and data use. The foundation for genetic progress” 

Anders Fogh, Manager, Genetics Department, Seges Innovation. [email protected] 



“The Jersey bull breeding program”

Peter Larson, Senior Jersey Breeding Manager, VikingGenetics. [email protected] 


Tuesday, June 18 ”The White Gold” 


Fabian Ruge, Senior Sales Manager, Arla Foods. [email protected] 


Niels Henning Nielsen, CEO Registration & Milk recording, Viking Danmark. [email protected] 


Lotte Bach Larsen, Professor, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University. [email protected] 


Mogens Poulsen, Development Manager, Thise Dairy Company. [email protected] 


Kenneth Byskov, Farm Sustainability Manager, Arla Foods. [email protected] 



Wednesday, June 19 ”The sustainable breed of the future” 


Peter Lund, Professor & Section Manager, Aarhus University. [email protected] 


Jan Dalsgaard Johannesen, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Arla Foods. [email protected] 


Martin Øvli Kristensen, Senior specialist Cattle production, Seges Innovation. [email protected] 


Rasmus Stephansen, Ph.d. student, QGG, Aarhus University. [email protected] &

Trine Villumsen, Senior advisor, QGG, Aarhus University. [email protected] 


Dr. Ralf Loges, University of Kiel, Germany: [email protected] 


Thursday, June 20 ”Beef on Jersey”


Jan Hinrichsen, Breeding advisor, Viking Danmark. [email protected] 


Kevin Byskov, Senior Specialist Genetic Evaluation, Seges Innovation. [email protected] 


Torben Nørremark, Owner Service Director, Danish Crown. [email protected] 


Friday, June 21 ”Jerseys as part of the bright future” 


”Status on Inbreeding in the Jersey population” 

Saija Tenhunen, Ph.D. Student, Aarhus University/VikingGenetics. [email protected] 


Goutam Sahana, Senior Researcher, QGG, Aarhus University. [email protected] 


Alison Gibb, Dairy farmer, WJCB Board member and former Jersey NZ President. [email protected] 


Bent Olesen, Chairman Danish Jerseys and VikingJersey.  [email protected]  


“Closing of the Official WJCB Conference” 

Steve Le Feuvre, outgoing WJCB President. [email protected]